Mornin’ Ginchers,
Want to know Wa’sup Wednesday? Ya Jagoff! Best in the ‘Burgh! It’s me, Johnny Angel the Dinosaur, the guy who is lost in the 50’s, lives life as if it were still 1962 … talking about high tech, social media and the new way of the world! That new way of the world is social media, the survival kit of the 2020’s. I have learned how to communicate through this media but, it wasn’t an easy task. The credit goes to my daughter Rachael Rennebeck and my dear friend John Chamberlin of Ya Jagoff! Voted today the Best of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh’s City Paper! They are fun, they are zany, they are witty, they are educational, they are helpful but most of all … they are the best! Before the Covid restrictions, Ya Jagoff was known for their fun Pixburgh approach to life and you could see them at every event in the ‘Burgh. SInce the covid pandemic they have become helpful warriors to many. They can be seen helping at charitable events, the food bank, the helping hand for out of work musicians and comedians, a driving force for what is right and hearts bigger than the city itself! In addition to writing a killer blog, producing a killer podcast and on air celebrities … they are brilliant when it comes to Marketing and new, fresh ideas. The key to their success is their attitudes and persona … they always seem to be happy. No matter what you throw at them, they make it look easy. I want them to know how proud I am of them and how happy I am for their Best in the ‘Burgh award … they definately deserve it! Till tomorrow, stay safe, stay healthy, help a neighbor when you can … and, GOD Bless!