Pete Hewlett … we met at West View Park Battle of the Bands!

Pittsburgh has been blessed with talented Musicians, Singers and Bands … today is one of my favorite singers B-Day… Pete Hewlett … one of the most humble and talented entertainers I have ever met! Let’s go back to the day we met … it was the mid 60’s both my group, the Cordells, and Pete’s group, Peter’s Piper’s, were playing in the West View Park Tea Tournament. I knew a lot of the groups who were performing that year, but I only heard of Peter’s Piper’s from the Rocks, McKee’s Rocks. It was that day I first met Pete, we struck up a conversation backstage and it wasn’t until later that day I heard Pete sing. The first note I heard from him was so impressive, I, everyone knew that he was destined to sing! It seemed effortless! Well, Pete and his band won the Tea Tournament and went on to record their first record on the Phillips Record Label (Airplane). From that day forward Pete was a Pittsburgh Icon, Unsung hero! He later went on to record as Sweet Lightning, Sweet Pete, Novo Combo … and by the way check out a new release and video of Pete in Novo Combo on YouTube (Tatoo), it’s a killer tune! Well it didn’t stop there … Pete later went on to perform as a world class vocalist touring with Billy Joel and Carly Simon and has performed with so many great artists like Paul McCartney, Joe Jackson, John Mellencamp, Julian Lennon and Eric Carmen just to name a few. With a history like that, Pete is still a humble, giving and loving friend. He never stopped being that great guy from the Rocks and still has that incredible voice. Pete is one on my dearest friends in the business. I treasure the moments that I have performed with Pete especially the days he would stop by my restaurant (Atria’s at PNC Park) and jump up on stage to sing a song on my Jam Band nights. Pete and Scott Anderson performed regularly at the restaurant. Well, I still see Pete quite often at events in da ‘Burgh and chat sometimes to keep in touch … but I still remember that first time at West View Park and the fifty plus year friendship we have! Happy Birthday … Pete Hewlett!

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