Dancing in the Street … a classic song released this coming week in 1964 … and a classic memory for me! I/we were at Riverview Park Pool, a hot Summer Day here in da ‘Burgh, the smell of suntan oil in the air and a bunch of transistor radios all tuned into the same station … “here’s a brand-new release out of the Motor City by Martha and the Vandellas … Dancing in the Street!” It was magical, girls dancing on their blankets, boys trying to dance without making them look uncool …except for me … I’m dancin’, I’m groovin’ not caring about anything but absorbing this great new sound! Let’s fast forward sixty years, it’s Martha Reeves birthday today and I still hear her singing the Soulful Classic and I begin reminiscing … the first time I officially got to work with Martha Reeves and the Vandellas. It was at 3 Rivers Stadium and most of our band backed Martha and the Vandellas. After the show was over, Martha asked me what was going on after the show and where can we go for something to drink and eat. Since it was rather late, I suggested we go to my house and have a cookout … Martha, the band and friends said let’s do it. It was at that time I realized how late it was becoming so I called a friend who owned a great wings and ribs joint who was about to close. I said can you do me favor and make me 8 racks of ribs and 12 dozen wings … at first, he thought I was kidding until I told him Martha Reeves, my band and friends were hungry. My friend agreed and my son and crew went to pick it up. That’s when I realized that Martha Reeves was more than a great singer and entertainer, she was just a regular person who grew up in Detroit, loved music and especially people! I gave her a tour of my house and my music memorabilia, talked about her early days at Motown and then watched her talking with all the young people who were interested in this music Icon and noticed how she became one of our family. Martha Reeves was more than a Music Icon, she was involved in community service in Detroit, she served as a committee person, she cared about the average person and later found out that she received a Doctorate in Humanities. Every year on my radio show, I play and interview I later did with Martha to honor my friend … and last Sunday night I played it again… and yes … I was “Dancing in the Street (Studio)” … so Happy Birthday Martha …”Come And Get These Memories” … pun intended!