Johnny Angel

National DJ Day!

What is National DJ Day? Better Yet, what is a DJ? A person who spins records? Well, sort of? Here is my definition of a real DJ! One who creates a memory by sharing music. One who verbally paints pictures in your mind through hearing. One who tells stories that interests others. One who teaches … Read more

Ruffin … My Girl…Temps!

Today, January 18, is the great David Ruffin’s Birthday! “MY GIRL”, my favorite song in all the world! Sung by one of the greatest Soul Singers of our time … David Ruffin! Performed by my favorite group of all time … the Classic Five … “Temptations”! Mr. Ruffin was born this day in 1941, in … Read more

The “Louie, Louie” Phenom!

Today, January 11th back in 1964, the Kingsmen had the number one song on the US Cash Box music chart. However, it was not a new song! It was a song written by an old friend and Rock n’ Roll legend and pioneer … Mr. Richard Berry. The record was originally banned by some US … Read more


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Mark Doe


Ut ut eleifend elit. Morbi tortor sem, lobortis vel urna malesuada, molestie imperdiet lectus. Nullam maximus vel diam eu porttitor.

Maria Doe


Ut ut eleifend elit. Morbi tortor sem, lobortis vel urna malesuada, molestie imperdiet lectus. Nullam maximus vel diam eu porttitor.

Marcus Doe
