Johnny Angel

Len Barry … SOUL MAN!

The first time I saw Len Barry was on either Shindig or Hullabaloo and I remember the Dovells (Len was the lead singer) made an appearance on the Rock n’ Roll Movie … “Don’t Knock the Twist”. It wasn’t until I actually worked with Len Barry at the Emerald Room Theater that I realized his … Read more


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Mark Doe


Ut ut eleifend elit. Morbi tortor sem, lobortis vel urna malesuada, molestie imperdiet lectus. Nullam maximus vel diam eu porttitor.

Maria Doe


Ut ut eleifend elit. Morbi tortor sem, lobortis vel urna malesuada, molestie imperdiet lectus. Nullam maximus vel diam eu porttitor.

Marcus Doe
